Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Who Is At the Door, Dear?

 Truth is always relative except when the answer is yes and no. 

Happiness has a silky hand but it never leaves fingerprints for a forensic explanation that it was there.

Dreams are like invisible ink, with the heat of sleep they appear only to grow dark in the cold light of day.


  1. Truth is filtereed through ones interpretation of ones own reality . So there in actuality is no universal truth Absolute truth doesn't exist.

  2. JB -

    In dreamland, we're all geniuses. And, in waking life, we may all be fools. We may say the wrong thing, at the wrong moment. Laugh at an inappropriate moment. Or, even stand on arrogance's stage and be bare in the light of our own egos.

    Gee, now that's getting tooo heavy. But, then again, the knocking of uncertainty can be a pounding or a faint tapping on the door.

    If a person looks hard enough, we all can see the invisible ink of joy and happiness in the sunlight.

    - SHB

    (After all, a silky hand is always a perfumed encounter with bliss, my friend)
