Saturday, July 31, 2010


I am in the midst of major indecision in my life but the universal mind (at the risk of engaging in psycho babble) has plans for me that it has not divulged to me just yet. I love surprises but I don’t think it is surprises that are in store for my journey. I think that I will just have to wait, and know that it is the subtleties that move me forward not wishful thinking.  The hyperbole of my intuitive world can overrun the enthusiasm I get caught up in.  That is why I see things that are not there.  

Friday, July 30, 2010

Past and Present

When I fall behind in my writing I am quick to realize that I have nothing to say or I am too preoccupied with life on life’s terms to journal my experiential history past and present. The future is a mine field littered with explosive disappointment if I try to plot too carefully the direction I should take. I take the future as it comes,  when it becomes the present.  In this way I touch what needs to be touched and leave those situations out of reach to move closer when the need arises in them.  

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Elevator Doors

Most times I never seem to know what might arrive on the elevator’s descent. When the doors open I know that it’s not empty space I am greeted by. It is often not what I expect  but I am always surprised at what the universal mind gives me to tap out on this keyboard. 

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday Post

Of course most things are not black and white, the  problem is we add color to the wrong places.
If you are really to educate, don't be surprised if they are afraid to learn, courage doesn't just mean facing fear.
What is speculation? Believing a teaspoon of sugar will make the Dead Sea sweet.
A fresh approach may include heating up day old bread.
We need only demonstrate bravery to ourselves after that it will appear when needed.
"Look for the silver lining because somewhere the sun is shining" has brought me from under cloud cover on more than one occasion.

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Creative Mind

The creative process of the mind is 100 times as powerful as that same process imagining what I don't want  

Friday, July 16, 2010

My Dreams

When I dream I never get the facts straight. But it's not the facts my dream is trying to tell me. And in the middle of my dream I stop and try and make sense of it and I never can. Most times it's the subject of what's on my dream screen. Most often the things that I have failed to notice or pay attention to during the day version of my dreams is clamoring for my attention in my somnolent intervals.

These days I remind myself of what parts of my waking life I have to ride my horse, and I do still tend to procrastinate those events that I still can. The time clock in my head doesn't always display the right time but I fail to oversleep most mornings anyway.  

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Dark Side of the Moon

I just found out why the dark side of the moon wants to break away from the light side.... The dark side never gets to show its face at night even though it's much better looking.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


When life moves me to the side of the bed and I feel like I am about to fall off, I know won't die from a two foot fall.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Obsession occluded my sky and left my dreams under permanent cloud cover.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Strings and Things

I am just an instrument, and if I can allow God to play the strings the music is perfect.
If I could only see myself as my higher power does, the writing on my inner walls resembles my best dreams.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Real Story

The world speaks out of context to make  headlines. The universe speaks in context with the straight story.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sunday Knock

Most of our relationships are cut flowers that wither and soon die.  Some are potted plants that need care and water but the roots are too  short and narrow. If we are blessed to have some trees, they need even more care like  pruning, and suffer the inevitable insect infestation that all relationships suffer from. 

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Words to me are like iron filings to the magnet on my fingertips