Sunday, July 6, 2014


An archaic word originated circa 1607 meaning apathy or boredom. My experience with boredom was called ennui but acedia has a broader meaning I think in that it brings together what we humans do when motivation escapes us. A do nothing activeness that thrives on inactivity. When we lack drive to change things or become uncaring we injure our psyche as in believing there is nothing we can do. Modern age phrases like: “Whatever” and “It is what it is” become rationalizations and justifications to remain aloof rather than becoming part of the solution of taking an active role instead.  We have fallen victim to acedia as it starts to affect our ability in ordinary time whether it is work or even play.  Slothfulness if you will.  Acceptance of what is intolerable becomes apathy to action because we tell ourselves there’s nothing we can do. 

Thomas Aquinas identifies acedia as “the sorrow of the world” and the Oxford Dictionary has a less arcane definition: “a state of restlessness and inability to work or to pray” To me acedia makes life colorless in a way that is not just black and white but also lacking the high definition of preventing our own Self Actualization.  

Friday, June 13, 2014


I live in acceptance. In this way fear and doubt have no place to take a seat.  

Sunday, June 8, 2014

What Is True?

When you breathe in positive notions the feeling is genuine.  When you listen to the voices of fear they are false gods that offer nothing but lies.  

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Body Surf

Stop swimming so hard let the wave take you

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Plain Sight

What is visible to the naked eye isn’t always what we see. It’s what we want to see and that’s how we miss what’s in plain sight. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014


When we depart this world we leave behind the love we made for those that remain.  

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Outside Looking In

Have you ever found yourself on the outside looking in? When the tables turn and the reverse is true forget not that who might take your place is suffering the way you did. Don’t take glee at another’s misfortune be grateful that the universe gave you the gift someone else has lost.  

High or Deep?

Think not of how high your tree can grow be more attuned to establishing deeper roots. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Changing My Tune

Instead of asking: What’s Wrong? I am changing my tune to What’s Right! I just took score and What’s Right 562 What’s Wrong 3. I need to keep a better score in my head from now on.  


Saturday, February 8, 2014


Words are just that they need no comment only reflection if worthy.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Figure It Out!

I have decided that this simple phrase from the dearly departed would theme my writings this day. I will start with KSC because those were the words from Kristen that she echoed from her father in her 8 am session.   It was easy to tell from her countenance they continue to inspire her every day of her life. And now they will mine.  

When I heard them this morning in my favorite spin class, I couldn’t help but think of adopting this is as my new mantra for 2014. Figure it out! We all have missions in life but more importantly according to Maslow also have to sate our primary desires those being physiological, a feeling of security, being loved and an air of confidence.  But at the top of the Triangle: Self-Actualization is where people like us spend much of our time.   I so identify with Maslow’s hierarchy of human motivation and our ability to be creative, spurn prejudice, maintain a sense morality and be able to problem solve sit at the top of my innate desires.  In this geometric shape for this writer is the ability to be non-judgmental and see both sides of any argument. In this way I can limit resentment, fear and not  worry  what other people think about me.  

We can merely go through the motions in life sometimes as it’s simply the easier softer way but if we take classes in the Lavender Palace we just cannot! It is here that we can model like Maslow did our own hierarchy of what we want to accomplish each time we climb aboard our new Schwinn’s.  Spin class can be the blueprint for how we spend the other 23 hours as if each day was our last. After all we think we have a future whether we are young or old but in fact we only have today. 

We all have situations in life but if we ask ourselves 50 years from now how important is it? Most will answer not very if at all. Most days it never looks the same even the next day.  It is for that very reason that we must live each day to our maximum potential and not get self-absorbed in the trivialities that can sometimes plague us in our every day.  

Figure it out! We have a powerful computer inside that cranial cavity we merely have to ask and the solutions magically appear. It’s as if Merlin resides in our cerebral cortex. Our iPhones might be smart but it is our brain that can most times figure it out.  

It was a great class today and now that I know Watt’s What my fitness will reach new levels under the guiding light of our beloved instructors. And they are beloved make no mistake because it is through them that we can Figure It Out!