Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Assorted Knocks

Thinking doesn’t have to include worry.

Middle age was yesterday’s senior citizen because my grandfather never tore his plantar fasciitis.

I have mastered the heartache and heartburn of being with relatives on the Holidays.  Kill them with kindness and it makes me forget all the transgressions I imagined they perpetrated on me and softens some of my own emotional crimes on them.  

When are we in good hands? When we clasp them together and pray.    

1 comment:

  1. JB -

    For the holidays, the bitterness of the past can fade away amongst those we consider family. As to that word 'family', well it can be extended from beyond those who are bound by blood. Any transgression of a snarky word can be soothed with a gentle word of reflection.

    - SHB

    (Happy Thanksgiving, dear friend)
